Friday, January 15, 2010

In Dreams Begin Responsibility

I feel like the movie in the story is actually not about the unnamed person's parents. I feel like he is watching a movie and applying all these different things that would apply to his parents. I think this because why would there be an actual movie made about his father? He was no actor he was a business man. The time period for the movie is 1909 there were no reality shows back in that day. I feel like the narrator is just reflecting back on his parent's lives because they have passed away and is applying it to an unnamed movie making everything fit to his own situation.

I also see it as failed dreams. The people in the movie are young just getting ready to be married they feel like they have their whole life ahead of them and it will all go perfect, they are disillusioned. The narrator knows the truth, that life isn't some cute little date on the boardwalk, he knows that everything isn't perfect cookie cutter suburban family life. He yells out right before the man in the movie asks the lady to marry him because he feels from his own history that marriages don't always work out. I feel like he was from a broken home and one or both of his parents has passed away and he is now reflecting upon it by applying it to the movie, that is why he is always crying.

The other part where i see deeper meanings is when the couple in the movie are staring at the ocean. The ocean is very beautiful but also harsh and the couple is also ignoring the sun's harsh rays and enjoying the view. I feel like this is how many people live their lives, they pretend to be enjoying their lives (the view of the ocean) they pretend that everything is alright when in reality the ocean is very rough and turbulent (their lives are rough and homes are broken and their is much arguing) the sun is beating down on them (just like their lives asking for them to do more make more the pressure to make money and payments on tax and other things.)


  1. Good analysis that goes beyond just the simple meaning. "The people in the movie are young just getting ready to be married they feel like they have their whole life ahead of them and it will all go perfect, they are disillusioned. The narrator knows the truth, that life isn't some cute little date on the boardwalk, he knows that everything isn't perfect cookie cutter suburban family life." I liked this observation because you're reflecting on the story and offering your insight. Good work

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